Yachting in style – Sanlorenzo SL90 Asymmetric
Dear readers, celebrations are almost everywhere throughout the past months, especially before Christmas and right after the New Year,...
A gracious conversation with Catherine Soulas-Baron - Founder of Le Savoir-Vivre, Academy of Etiquette & Modern Manners
Dear readers, as the world has entered into a dress-down culture since more than a decade ago, thanks to the new dress code brought in by...
Asymmetric luxury - Sanlorenzo SL106A yacht
Dear readers, sailing season might be over, but surprisingly, almost all the great yacht shows are still happening especially towards the...
Fresh start – ‘Naked Dance’ Extrait de parfum by Oddity Fragrance, Hong Kong
Dear readers, it’s about time to count down before entering 2022, what is your new year’s resolution (or wish) this time? Since we were...
Urban sartoria – Christine L men’s tailoring, Hong Kong
Nowadays when we talked about tailoring for men, more or less it also takes us to think about the tailor or the artisan himself, his...
Oriental modernity – ‘André Fu: Crossing cultures with design’ by Catherine Shaw
Dear readers, being away from writing this blog for quite some time, it makes me feel a bit guilty and questioning about my passion on...
Sailing glamour - Sanlorenzo SL86 Hong Kong preview
Dear readers, undoubtedly, the world is circulated by gloomy news lately, either the pandemic outbreak around the world, or city lockdown...
A journey of artisanship - Hatton Jewellery Institute, Hong Kong
Dear readers, perhaps, some of you might wonder how come I’ve been away for quite some time, and only doing this new post by now? ...
Fragranted grandeur in Asia – La Maison Goutal flagship boutique, Hong Kong
For those who are French fragrance connoisseurs and collectors, the name Annick Goutal will certain ring a bell to you, given the...
Sartorial luxe meets Swedish simplicity – Once a day Stockholm Made-to-measure menswear
For some reason, I have quite a few serendipitous moment with Swedish culture lately, firstly, a delight to get to know a Swedish niche...