Chinoiserie fantasy – Handpainted box for Bergdorf Goodman, Lala Curio, Hong Kong

Walking down the street in the dynamic and fast-paced Hong Kong, travel through the glittering shopping district seeing all the Christmas décor being installed, I just exclaimed how fast that is the festive day is getting closer, and how late I was to prepare my gift-shopping! Honestly, coming up with a comprehensive shopping list, getting the most unique and surprising presents for your family and friends which different from previous year’s, sometimes it could be a kind of headache, especially for those who constantly seeks newness and style-savvy, always having an eyes on beautiful and well-made things, we strive to look for something interesting, and of course, looks pretty for the Christmas present (no matter it’s for your family and friends, or for yourself). For this year, I opt to go for ‘2Es’ – eccentric and exquisite, not only it looks festive, but something represents our east-meets-west culture, cosmopolitan and diversified city, Pearl of the Orient – Hong Kong. One of the best and joyous option that comes to my mind, it should possibly be finding a beautiful accessory or home décor in the stylish boutique Lala Curio.

In fact, this beautiful home décor and furniture boutique has brought me back a lot of memories, especially the first time that I got my very first and the quirkiest décor - a bell jar with a puffer fish taxidermy in it, from this lovely boutique, which certainly it’s one of the most unique piece of décor I have ever had in my life. But what impressed me the most about, is the unique sense of style of the founder / designer of this brand, the eccentricity and passion of pursuing exotic beauty yet homage to our very root culture – the beauty of Chinoiserie, the sensitivity on exceptional and seductive beauty, and surprises from visiting a cabinet of curiosity, Lala Curio always offers a certain beautiful surprise with their sumptuous and thoughtful home collection, given in FW17, with their remarkable collaboration with the prestigious department store, Bergdorf Goodman, for an exquisite hand-painted accessory box collection, which without any hesitation, that became one of my ‘go-to’ gift-shopping option.

Created under the most refined and delicate handwork, painted by hand in various Chinoiserie patterns, which takes one to the poetic scenario - beautiful cherry blossom trees that found in a Chinese emperor’s garden, surrounded by the joyous birds that chirping on branches while stretching their wings in colorful feathers, echoes the aristocratic and imperial color of the emperor costume in sumptuous fabrics and embroidery work, which represents the prestige of the emperor, his discerning and precision eyes about quality and beauty. While turning one’s head around, another scene that captured from the almost borderless pond at the garden, with a couple of dragonflies flying above the serene and refreshing Lotus flowers, with the background of the traditional Chinese architecture details, poetically reflected on the pond like a picture, reminiscent to the glorious and influential period back in Tang dynasty, these exquisite elements are certainly one of the best gift, not only serves as a little art object in east-meets-west culture, it is also the beautiful combination of ancient Chinese art and contemporary artistry, a quintessential gift that gives the receiver something to remember and talk about when appreciating every single details on this beautiful work of art.

Apart from this exquisite hand-painted decorative box collection, the boutique also offers a wide range of home furnishing and décor accessories, from modernized Chinese-style inspired lamps, or the luxurious and eccentric book ends and table tops decorated in natural crystals and gemstones, to deluxe gold-plated agate mug coaster in unique colors, also check out the beautiful upholstery in cozy and warm color with hand embroidered Chinese patterns, one can always find something ideal for a Christmas gift.
By the way, don’t forget to get someone for your dearest truly after all the shopping work, I mean, for yourself.

Image courtesy of Lala Curio, Hong Kong.